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  • Governors

    The governors at Hedgewood are committed, enthusiastic and dedicated to providing the best quality of education for all pupils and keeping all pupils safe. The headteacher is empowered to effectively manage the school and the governors understand their roles within the structure. They actively seek to robustly challenge leaders. Governors recognize their own expertise and bring this into school. Their skills are carefully deployed, to the best advantage, for the school, our families and pupils.

    The governors are an effective team and:

    • provide strategic direction and challenge, which supports the aims and ethos of the school.
    • have roles and clearly defined responsibilities for child protection, LAC, finance, curriculum and performance management.
    • see policy decisions are informed by high quality dialogue and active partnership between governors and staff.
    • carry out their statutory duties consistently via termly governing body meetings and at least four Finance, Resource and Personnel Sub-Committee meetings.
    • are competent, decisive and realistic as evidenced in numerous ways, e.g. maintenance and development of the school site and contribution to the culture for learning.
    • play a key role in the appointment of senior staff.
    • provide excellent support and challenge to the headteacher and senior leadership team.
    • are actively engaged in the appraisal of the headteacher.
    • act as critical friends and hold senior leaders to account for the school’s performance, pupil attainment and progress, and the performance management of teachers.
    • access training and support provided by the Local Authority and have in-house training especially for finance and safeguarding.
    • have a clearly defined induction process.
    • research regular curriculum updates especially for English and mathematics and the wider school curriculum.
    • ensure all safeguarding requirements are fully met and update their own training.
    • ensure that the pupil premium funding and other resources are used to overcome barriers to learning.
    • visit the school on a regular basis.

    The Governors recognise their key responsibilities on:

    • Safeguarding
    • Child protection
    • Financial control – budget setting, monitoring and resource allocation
    • Staffing and personnel matters – appointing new staff and the re-organisation of existing teaching and non-teaching staff, when necessary
    • Disciplinary procedures as per guidance from the Local Authority’s School’s HR
    • Appraisal – setting the headteacher’s targets, agreeing policy and overseeing school practice
    • Curriculum
    • Premises including health and safety
    • Admissions to the school
    • Performance management of teachers
    • Information for parents, families and community

    The governing body are a reflective team who are able to evaluate their own actions and effectiveness. These skills are also applied to their evaluation of effectiveness of the school leadership team. All governors contribute to the school’s self-evaluation process and understand its strengths and the areas where further development is needed. Governors actively review the School Development Plan and its impact.

    Governors continually develop their skills through regular training.

    All governors have an understanding of school data. The chair of governors, Mrs Michelle Doherty and the vice chair, Mrs Lesley Parker, have a more detailed understanding of pupils’ assessment information as well as the detail for financial monitoring. This understanding is used to inform their challenging conversations with school leaders.

    The headteacher provides the governing body with detailed performance data for pupils and staff. The headteacher reports to governors on the school’s overall performance compared to the national picture so that they have an accurate view of the school’s strengths and weaknesses.

    This secure understanding of key areas helps our governors contribute to a development plan which takes into account the school’s overall performance and strategic direction.

    All governors have good relationships with all staff and pupils as well as the wider community. They listen to, and carefully consider, the views of parents, carers, pupils and staff.

    Hedgewood governors have high visibility demonstrated by their calendar of involvement in the wider school life. Governors are valued and contribute to the good running and leadership of our school.

    Governor visit reports are detailed, focused and fit in with the school’s cycle of self-evaluation. The School Development Plan is clearly aligned to the process of school self-evaluation and reflects the key strategic priorities for improvement.

    The governing body has a committee structure that supports and demonstrates devolved leadership. The wealth of experience and knowledge of the governors means that they can support and challenge the senior management team powerfully and constructively