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Communication with Parents

A safe, caring and inclusive learning environment enables personal challenges to be met and overcome. We know that success is within the grasp of every child. The partnership between home and school is essential to us and regular communication with parents and carers is an important part that supports children’s learning and wellbeing.

This is developed through daily use of the SEESAW app, phone calls and letters home, coffee afternoon sessions, parent consultations and courses.

SEESAW app: You can see what the children are doing in class via the Seesaw app (QR codes for access are sent to you when your child starts at Hedgewood) School announcements and local support information are also circulated to parents/carers via the app.

Letters home will inform you of any significant events such as class trips etc. We ask that your check your child’s book bag daily for any letters or important information.

Phone calls and meetings are welcomed as we have an open-door policy at Hedgewood. We do ask that you book a meeting in advance.

Parent consultations happen three times a year and you will be notified about these dates via letter ParentMail or Seesaw.

Coffee afternoon sessions are run by our Family Services Team and occur every month. All parents/carers are welcome.

Courses are held throughout the academic year for parents and carers to access. Information will be sent out about relevant courses via Seesaw, ParentMail or letter.