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Autism Education Trust (AET) Training


The Autism Education Trust (AET) Programme

The AET programme is a quality programme developed by autism education experts and is regularly updated to reflect current policy and research. It is supported by the Department for Education and meets the wider responsibilities of Ofsted compliance, the SEND Code of Practice, the Equality Act and Teachers Standards. It currently offers the largest national training programme for education based staff to support them in providing an education that enables children and young people with autism to experience a meaningful education and reach their potential.

The AET offers face to face training for practitioners in their own or a local setting from trainers with experience in the field of autism education and understanding of the local context.  The AET programme for Schools (5 to 16 years) is delivered through a themed approach of:

  • The individual pupil
  • Building relationships
  • Curriculum and learning development
  • Enabling environments

Hedgewood School, as Hillingdon’s AET Hub can deliver this tiered training programme in a flexible way through twilights or daytime training. We offer peer support and networking for practitioners working with autistic children.

The positive ethos of AET training is person-centred, strengths orientated and respectful of autism as a difference rather than a deficit. The AET materials can form a key part of practitioners Continuing Professional Development through the application of the Good Practice standards against which settings can audit their practice and plan for improvement and the Competency Framework for practitioners to assess their practice and plan CPD opportunities.

The training uses a range of interactive teaching tools and participants on all of the programmes have access to free online resources on the AET website.

For information on courses please contact Hedgewood School (Hillingdon Hub)